Vyas Shivtrina Tel 60ml.
Vyas Shvitrina Tel is a unique ayurvedic solution for Leucoderma and skin diseases. It helps treat certain skin diseases like white spots, white patches, etc. It also boosts up the immune system and increases concentration.Key Ingredients:Shvitrina.Key Benefits: It is an Ayurvedic...
Rs. 115.00
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Arsha Hita Ointment
Dhootapapeshwar Arsha Hita Ointment contains Til Taila 6.420 gm, Sarja 1.600 gm, Karpoora (Bhimseni) 0.300 gm, and Madhoochchhishta as active ingredients.Key benefits of Dhootapapeshwar Arsha Hita Ointment:Effective in reducing pain & burning sensation of Piles & related diseases.Helps stop bleeding...
Rs. 98.00 Rs. 90.00
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Vimliv Forte Syrup 200ml
Solumiks Vimliv Forte Syrup is a rationale combination of hepatoprotective herbs from the Ayurvedic database to improve and maintain liver functions. It improves detoxification processes, promotes the flow and production of bile, enhances the antioxidant systems of the liver. Reduces...
Rs. 155.00
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Vimliv Forte Tablet 30
Solumiks Vimliv Forte Tablet is a rational combination of hepatoprotective herbs made from the Ayurvedic composition to improve and maintain liver functions. It improves the detoxification processes and promotes the flow and production of bile juice. It also enhances the...
Rs. 145.00
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Radona Tablet 30
Solumiks Radona Tablet is an effective composition based on the Ayurvedic wisdom for the management of multiple skin disorders. In addition to symptomatic relief, the ingredients in the syrup are known to strengthen the skin’s ability to heal and also...
Rs. 135.00
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Arsha Hita Tablet
Dhootapapeshwar Arsha Hita Tablet containsShuddha Sarja Rasa 200 mg, Arishtaka 100 mg, and Soorana 50 mg as active ingredients.Key benefits of Dhootapapeshwar Arsha Hita Tablet:Efficient formulation to reduce the complaints of Piles & related disorders.Excellent Gamitva in Guda Pradesh.Shuddha Sarja...
Rs. 195.00
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Afrol Plus Gold Capsule 10
Solumiks Afrol Plus Gold Capsule is a non-hormonal, efficacious and safe aphrodisiac combination for the management of male sexual dysfunction. It is also useful in problems like loss of libido, premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. Useful in enhancing sexual desire...
Rs. 805.00
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Dant Prabhakar Manjan 100gm
Vyas Dant Prabhakar Manjan is a specially designed Ayurvedic product that is used in the treatment of tooth ache, pyorrhea, and bleeding and swollen gums. It provides freshness in the mouth and helps to strengthen gums and teeth. It is able...
Rs. 135.00
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Vidaryadi Churna 100gm.
Vyas Vidaryadi Churna is an ayurvedic mixture of ingredients that is used in the treatment of general debility, infertility and sexual disorders. It is full of aphrodisiac properties and increases sexual strength.Key Ingredients: Gokshura Vidari kanda Safed musli Salam panja Ashwagandha...
Rs. 160.00
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Herboliv syrup 200ml.
Vyas Herboliv Syrup is a unique Ayurvedic formulation and liver tonic that is useful in liver diseases and disorders. It helps treat liver cirrhosis, fatty liver, jaundice, hepatitis and loss of appetite.Key Ingredients: Bhringaraja Daruharidra Haritaki Punarnava Varuna Bhumyamalaki Key Benefits:...
Rs. 145.00
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Hepjaun Syrup
Hepjaun Syrup is an ayurvedic formulation indicated for liver disorders. It corrects and prevents liver damage. It also stimulates the regeneration and repair of liver cells as well as promotes normal liver functions. Hepjaun Syrup also stimulates natural resistance against...
Rs. 105.00
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Abhayarishta 680ml
Vyas Abhayarishta is a very famous Ayurvedic medicine, widely used in the treatment of haemorrhoids and constipation. It contains self-generated alcohol up to 5 – 7 %. The alcohol acts as a medium for the active principles of herbs to dissolve....
Rs. 225.00
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Shitpittantak Vati
Vyas Shitpittantak Vati is an ayurvedic medicine that is primarily used in the treatment of allergies and skin allergies. It reduces the symptoms of swelling, pain, fever and microbial growth.Key Ingredients: Bhringaraja Manjishtha Gorakhmundi Mulethi (Yashtimadhu) Ginger Key Benefits: It is...
Rs. 145.00
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Amlapitta Mishran Suspension
Dhootapapeshwar Amla Pitta Mishran Suspension contains Vasa 100 mg, Guduchi 100 mg, Pittapapada 100 mg, Nimba 100 mg, Chiraita 100 mg, Bhrungaraj 100 mg, Triphala 100 mg, Patol 100 mg, Yashtimadhu 100 mg, Shouktik Bhasma 500mg as active ingredients.Key benefits...
from Rs. 172.00
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Agnitundi Vati
Rs. 1,617.00 from Rs. 91.00 94% off
Agnitundi Vati
Ayurvedic formulation for treating indigestion Helpful in treating kapha related diseases Helps treat loss of appetite, loss of taste Treats abdominal gas, abdominal pain, colic,and constipation Dhootapapeshwar Agnitundi Vati is a traditional ayurvedic fomulation containing many aromatic herbs, used for...
Rs. 1,617.00 from Rs. 91.00
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Afrodet Plus Capsule 10 Capsule (Pack of 2)
Solumiks Afrodet Plus Capsule is an effective and safe non-hormonal formulation for improving the quality and quantity of sperms. This medicine is helpful to treat oligospermia. It also helps to stimulate the spermatogenesis and increases sperm count and motility effectively....
Rs. 196.00
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Clove Oil (Combo of 2)
Clove bud oil is derived from the clove tree, a member of the Myrtaceae family. The predominant chemical constituents found in all three types of clove oils are eugenol, eugenyl acetate, and caryophyllene.Clove oil is very effective against dental pain, sore gums, mouth...
Rs. 76.00
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Abhraka Bhasma (Shataputi)
Dhootapapeshwar Abhraka Bhasma Shataputi contains Shuddha Vajrabhraka & Granthokta Bhavan Dravya as active ingredients.Key benefits of Dhootapapeshwar Abhraka Bhasma Shataputi:Strengthens the Moolasthana-Phusphusa & HrudayaWith its Medhya & Majjavardhak properties, it acts on Mastishka and Vatavahini and useful in Neurological Disorders.Generally...
from Rs. 160.00
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Divya Ashwagandha Churna
Patanjali Divya Ashwagandha Churna contains Ashwagandha as an active ingredient. Ashwagandha Churna is used as a rejuvenating agent, it controls depression and relieves stress.Key benefits/uses of Divya Ashwagandha Churna:- Helps you get relief from stress and boosts your health and...
Rs. 85.00
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Sale 11% off
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Artholin Liniment 60ml
Rs. 135.00 Rs. 120.00 11% off
Artholin Liniment 60ml
Vyas Artholin Liniment is an ancient Ayurvedic formula that is highly effective to aid the healing of arthritis muscle sprains and bruises, back pain and even mild paralysis. Artholin Liniment strengthens bone and muscle tissue and balances the Ayurvedic element of...
Rs. 135.00 Rs. 120.00
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Nag bhasma 5gm.
Vyas Nag Bhasma is an ayurvedic medicine, which contains Naga (calcined Lead). It contains nano-particles of lead and the size of nano-particles is about 60 nm. The compound found in Naga Bhasma is lead sulfide, which is mixed with organic substances...
Rs. 125.00
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Shilaprameh Vati
Vyas Shilaprameh Vati is an ayurvedic medicine that helps control diabetes-related symptoms like polyuria. It also helps in diabetes-related sexual dysfunction like erectile impotence.Key Ingredients:Natural ingredients.Key Benefits: It helps control hyperglycemia and glycosuria It helps in controlling diabetes-related symptoms like polyuria...
from Rs. 190.00
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