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Chandanasava 450ml
Rs. 165.00
Chandanasava is a good Ayurvedic medicine for night fall, strength and digestion. Chandana means sandalwood, which is the main ingredient of this medicine. It is an Ayurvedic wine preparation. It contains 5 – 10 % of self generated alcohol. Usually in any Asava or arishta, one sweetening agent is used....
Chandanasava is a good Ayurvedic medicine for night fall, strength and digestion. Chandana means sandalwood, which is the main ingredient of this medicine. It is an Ayurvedic wine preparation. It contains 5 – 10 % of self generated alcohol.
Usually in any Asava or arishta, one sweetening agent is used. But in Chandanasav, two are used in 2:1 combination of sugar candy and jaggery.