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Amritarishta 450ml
Rs. 165.00
Amritarishta is also known as Amrutarishta, Amritarishtam etc. It is a liquid Ayurvedic medicine prepared from Giloy, Dashmul, Trikatu and many other ingredients. Amritarishta contains about 5 – 8 % of self generated natural alcohol in it. This self generated alcohol and the water present in the product acts as...
Amritarishta is also known as Amrutarishta, Amritarishtam etc.
It is a liquid Ayurvedic medicine prepared from Giloy, Dashmul, Trikatu and many other ingredients.
Amritarishta contains about 5 – 8 % of self generated natural alcohol in it. This self generated alcohol and the water present in the product acts as a media to deliver water and alcohol soluble the active herbal components to the body.